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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Your Skin is a Super Absorber!

Remember the common scenario where you're in a restaurant, making choices for something to eat? Before you walked in, you were determined to stick to your diet plan, but once you started looking at the menu you talked yourself into eating something just 'one more time' and spent the rest of the day feeling like you'd been muching on lead. A lot of times the things we think we want to eat are the worst things possible for us. This may also happen with skin-care products but it's something we don't think about as much because the effects of what we put on our skin show up later. If we eat a monster burger, slathered with special sauces and cheeses with chili fries and a large chocolate malt, we aren't going to feel too energetic for the rest of the day. We may actually feel sick. 

If we smear synthetic, chemical-laden soaps, creams, sprays, and ointments on our skin, it takes awhile for the effects to show damage unless your skin is especially sensitive. Our skin is a 'super absorber' and capable of absorbing up to 60% of the substances we expose it to. This comes in handy when our doctor prescribes a medication patch for an illness we are being treated for, but may be a detriment if what is being absorbed is toxic. So many of the chemicals that go into manufactured body wash, soaps, sunscreens, and cleansers are carcinogenic. 

It is a much better choice to use handcrafted, natural soaps and body wash. The handmade soaps on my website, are all made from natural oils, butters, and supplements that are skin-loving and healthy. I carefully choose the best coconut oil, cocoa butter, sweet almond oil, pomace olive oil, shea butter, palm oil, aloe vera oil, and natural supplements that can be found and blend these, using the cold process method, with sodium hydroxide, making a pure soap. After it's had the opportunity to cure, this soap cleanses gently and is very good for the skin, enriched with glycerin, a natural, moisturizing by-product of the soap-making process. 

A beautiful handmade bar of soap is just one of those things you're going to have to try to appreciate. Your skin and health will thank you!

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