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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Fountain of Youth ... Discovered!

Who would've known? The early Romans and Greeks found the "Fountain of Youth" in a carrot plant (Daucus carota) thousands of years ago! Why does it seem, in our age of enlightenment, that we have exhausted most resources of healing? For each ailment that we go to our doctors for, there are only a handful of prescriptions available. That is ... IF our insurance company agrees to pay for what was prescribed! 

People not satisfied with the limited help for their ailments are researching alternatives to our current practice of medicine. This is not at all to discredit physicians or their advice, but I believe it's crazy to blindly follow only one discipline when the cure may be found within another. It may be as simple as brewing a cup of dandelion tea. It is necessary to proceed with caution, however, and not to experiment with your health without properly consulting with a doctor of naturopathy or your physician. There are things now coming into the light that have been tried and found to be very effective for thousands of years which should not be discounted.

One of the things I've recently learned about is Carrot Seed Oil. High in antioxidants, it is derived from the seeds of wild carrots and is excellent for a myriad of ailments. The main thing that piqued my interest was its healthful effects on the skin and hair! Essential Carrot Seed Oil is non-toxic but should be avoided during pregnancy. It's a natural skin toner, tanning agent, and effective for anti-aging & anti-wrinkling. 

It has a soft, earthy essence and initiates the stress-relieving characteristics of the oil. When applied to the skin, the epidermal cells are stimulated which rejuvenates dry, mature skin. Scientists think this effect is due to the "carotol" a primary component found in the oil. The oil also has added benefits from vitamins E and C which work together to encourage healing. Carrot Seed Oil is known for its ability to alleviate skin problems such as acne, eczema  psoriasis, rashes, dermatitis, ulcers, weeping sores, and boils. Wow! A pharmacy in a bottle!

There are many other benefits to the health that may be achieved by the use of Carrot Seed Oil, but I'm only touching on the benefits to the outside of the body. The hair is greatly enhanced by using natural shampoo soaps enhanced with Carrot Seed Oil. This oil stimulates hair growth, creates luxurious and soft to the touch hair, improves blood circulation, protects hair and skin from the damaging effects of weather/pollution/dust/sunlight/chemicals/and treatments, and strengthens the hair to prevent breakage!

All the research I've done on Carrot Seed Oil truly shows it to be very beneficial to the health, skin, and hair! I have ordered organic Carrot Seed Oil and plan to incorporate it into my pure and natural shampoo bar recipe. As soon as these are ready, I'll be putting some up for sale on my Etsy Shoppe

The Romans and Greeks believed it to be the "Fountain of Youth" and I'm beginning to see why! 

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