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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Antipruritic Soap?

Something that is antipruritic is something that inhibits itching. Normally, when I think of an antipruritic, I think of antihistamines like Benedryl; corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone; local anesthetics such as Lanacaine; or a counter irritant such as camphor.

Tonight, I was totally and happily amazed to find out that a soap that I had made worked just as well! My husband and I were enjoying a warm evening on our patio until little black bugs started biting my arms. I went inside and suddenly started itching terribly! It was awfully intense and I started looking for something that would relieve the itch other than scratching myself raw.

When I lived in the Midwest, I would use Calamine lotion for itchy bites but I couldn't find any in the house. On a whim, I went into the bathroom and grabbed up a half-bar of my Botanical Soap with Aloe Vera. I vigorously rubbed up a lather on both of my arms and rinsed it off. Immediately, the itching went away! I was sooooo excited!

I waited for the itching to return, but it never did! I'm not sure why it was so effective against the itching but I'm extremely relieved it was! The ingredients in this batch include coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, cocoa butter, lard, vegetable shortening, aloe vera oil, aloe vera juice, rosemary, fragrance oil, mica coloring, and sodium hydroxide (lye).

Perhaps it was due to all of the aloe vera that I included ... or just the natural composition of the soap itself ... which created the antipruritic properties? I'd have to be a chemist to figure it all out. It's just something very wonderful to know ... and to have on hand!

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